This ultra-lightweight Notion template includes minimal styles, focusing on providing the logic to connect to Notion while allowing custom styling.
Template contents:
Event Page – Dynamic page for database/calendar records.
Events Page – Static page that lists all the database records.
Sitemap – XML page that outputs the static and dynamic pages.
These values need to come from your Notion account.
Secret – Go to Notion Integrations, create a new one, name it something like “Webstudio Website”, give it read-only permissions, and copy the secret.
Add integration to database – Once the custom integration is created, go to your database (or its containing page), click the three dots, hover over connections, and select your custom integration.
Copy the Database ID and Secret and add it to Webstudio on three pages: Event, Events, and Sitemap. You'll go to Body > Settings > Variables > Notion Data on each page. Replace the Database ID within the URL field and Secret, which is in the Headers section, and be sure to keep the format "Bearer <your secret>".